Octopus salad with sesami oil Posted on: 01/21/2015 by en.kataokamaiko Recently I put just Sesami oil and salt for salads! This is Octopus salad. Ingredients: Octopus Mizna Lettuce Continue reading: Octopus salad with sesami oil→
Salad with Sesami oil and Salt Posted on: 12/17/2014 by en.kataokamaiko Usually when’s have salad, I put Sesami oil and salt on a salad. My husband loves it too. Sesami oil helContinue reading: Salad with Sesami oil and Salt→
Dressing with sesami oil, soy sauce and vinegar Posted on: 12/14/2014 by en.kataokamaiko Useally I make dressing by myself. This is good Mach with any kinds of salad! Ingredients: Soy sauce Vinegar SContinue reading: Dressing with sesami oil, soy sauce and vinegar→
Potato salad with sasami oil! Posted on: 08/23/2014 by en.kataokamaiko Japanese potato salad! I usually put Potato Cucber Onion Carrot Mayo Mastered Sesame oil(this is the key!) YumContinue reading: Potato salad with sasami oil!→