Obento for hiking ハイキングにお弁当!


I went hiking with Obento I made in the morning!!

Obento is a carried lunch.
Usually when we go picnic or hiking we bring them.
And the menu is like these

-Onigiri (Baked salmon, soboro which is simmered minced-pork inside)
-Simmered spinach
-Fried chicken
-Potato salad
-Tamago yaki ( not in this picture)

I like Obento when I go hiking!!
I wrote about hiking this week here

Little Yosemite


Simmered taro and minced meat 里芋とひき肉の煮物


This dish is very good with rice!
My husband likes it a lot.

Now taro, sato-imo, is popular in Japanese super markets.

They are brown but inside is white.
I usually used them in a Ozouni which we have in Jan. 1-3rd. It’s a soup. And also I use it like this dish.

-6 Taroes
-150g Minced chicken meat
-Green onion
-1/4 cup water
-1 Tsp Hon-dashi
-2 Tbsp Soy sauce
-2 Tbsp Mirin
-2 Tbsp Sake
-1 Tbsp Sugar

-Peal taros and cut in half.
-Boil them in a pod until the taros become soft.
-Waste the boiled water and leave the taro in the pot and put A in it.
-When it boils, you can put minced meat in the pot and simmers until the liquid is almost gone.
-Cut green onion and put then on it.


Stir-fry of Shirataki and mushrooms しらたきとキノコの炒め物


This is healthier and yummy!

I like this long konnyalu, shirataki or itokonnyaku, we say, like a noodle.

This is good with rice or Japanese sake as a appetizer!

-1 package Shirataki
-mushroom as much as you like
-enoki as much as you like
-50 ml Mentsuyu
-1 Tbsp sesame oil

Cut Sirataki in three and mushrooms.
Put Sesami oil in a pan.
Put Sirataki first and stir until it’s dry.
Put mushroom and enoki in the pan and stir.
Put mentsuyu in the pan.
Put chili pepper in the pan.


Mackerel simmered in miso サバの味噌煮 Saba no misoni


We like Saba no misoni a lot!
It’s good with rice and easy to make it.

You can buy cut Mackerel in a Japanese super market.

Direction: for two
1 Put these in a pan and boil it
-water 300ml
-cooking sake Tbsp1.5
-sugar Tbsp2
-mirin Tbsp1/2
-soy sauce Tbsp1

2 Put mackerel and chopped ginger in the pan until it boils it, putting the liquid on the Mackerel.


3 put a lid made by foil on the Mackerel and boil it for 10 mints


4 put Miso Tbsp1.5 in the pan and melt it using the liquid in the pan until the liquid becomes sticky.

5 done!
