This is a Japanese product.
Tasty Hayashi Rice Sauce Mix
My husband and I love this dish.
This is like curry & rice.
The taste is more like sweet and has tomato in it. It’s doesn’t tomato taste though.
I usually put
-Sliced beef 1 lb
-Onion 1
-Carrot 2
You can cut them as you like.
Put them in a big stew pan and fry for about 5 mints.
And put
-water 2 cups
-milk 1 cup
in the pan and boil for about more than 30 mints. I usually boil 1 hour.
Than, you can put all this product ( one box).
You don’t need to eat all at once.
You can leave it for two or three days if you heat them everyday.
Let’s try!